Masking Up…
By Auntie M.
I marvel at how the United States- famously known as the land of the free- has managed Covid-19 imposed restrictions these last few months....
At how the people of the land that champions rugged individualism becomes comfortable with masking the features that distinguish them from each other.
Superheros “suit up” before taking on their next challenge.
Today, we are asked to “mask up” - to put our need for individualism aside to be daily superheroes - in an effort to protect others and ourselves.
Masks have historically been associated with the concept of cloaking one’s features for good or for evil. There are all types of masks- protective, functional, religious, artistic, dramatic, horrific, comedic and symbolic.
We are accustomed to seeing masks used by medical professionals, police and firemen or soldiers at war. We expect that athletes on the field and actors portraying characters in theatrical performances may wear masks. Masks have been used across the spectrum of needs- from a means of intimidation during tribal warfare to protecting oneself from a strong wind or blast of cold air.
As the United States begins to emerge from shelter in place orders, restart its economy and get back to business in the new normal, social distancing rules and wearing masks will still be required. In some places, wearing masks is legally required punishable by fines.
One can not help but wonder if we can still fully pursue life, liberty and happiness socially distanced and all masked up. And still it is a wonder to see so many distinct individuals freely giving it a try.